Minton Minton ( Stoke on Trent ) was started by Thomas Minton around 1793. At first he only made earthenware but porcelain soon followed. They are my favorite English maker because of the variety of products and amazing new styles they made but sadly the neat items are hard to find. Especially their Pate-sur-Pate work needs to be mentioned as well as their raised gilding. The combination of these two produced some of the most decorative plates and vases of the 19th century. Mintons is still in existence today.Minton porcelain by Minton Porzellan aus Minton Porzellan von Minton porcelain made by Minton Porcelaine de Minton Porzellan von Minton porcelain made in Minton porcelain made by Minton Porcelaine Minton porcelaine de Minton porcelana de Minton porcellane di Minton porcelana en Minton porcelaine par Minton porselein Mintons porcelain by Mintons Porzellan aus Mintons Porzellan von Mintons porcelain made by Mintons Porcelaine de Mintons Porzellan von Mintons porcelain made in Mintons porcelain made by Mintons Porcelaine Mintons porcelaine de Mintons porcelana de Mintons porcellane di Mintons porcelana en Mintons porcelaine par Mintons porselein |
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