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Rare Chinaman Teapot

This is a superb and rare porcelain teapot made by Minton probably in the late 19th century though I cannot make out a date code on it though it might be the one for 1885. This puce mark was used from 1873 until 1891 when England was added under it. This shape teapot is usually found made of Majolica but here we have a porcelain version which I have never seen nor can find another example during my searches. In the book it is called a Japanese dwarf with a mask though I ahve seen it more foten described as a Chinaman or Chinese actor holding a Noh mask. Either way this is a stunning example with the head forming the lid and the spout projecting from the mouth of the mask. The person is wearing a robe painted in the traditional Minton turquoise color as is the spout. Braided hair forms the handle of the tea pot . Superbly hand painted with lots details. And now for the not so good news. While the piece displays superbly it has a good amount of hairline cracks which is likely why there are no porcelain versions to be found. There is a crack on the left side of the Noh maks , a tiny chip to the opening which is hidden when the head is in place, a crack down the center to the collar area, a crack all around the bottom inside edge of the piece and some crazing to the turquoise ground color. No restorations, etc. and it does display amazingly and is a rare survivor for sure! The piece is 4.7.5 inches tall, 7.25 inches from handle to spout and about 3.5 inches deep. The pot is marked underneath witht he puce Mintons mark as well as impressed Mintons, some numbers and other marks as shown. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

Price is $999
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