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Stinton Plate

This is a great plate made by Worcester around 1932 I believe. It is superbly handpainted with a scene in the center including pheasants which is signed Jas Stinton (short for James Stinton). Around the center scene is a fancy brown trim with gilding around it, then a yellow ground color with a gold ring around it and last but not least a fancy brown design all along the rim. Gold trim to the edge as well. The plate is in good condition with two scratches in the yellow area and manufacturing flaw along the rim which is glazed and gilded over. The plate is marked with the puce circular Worcester mark with the three interlocking rings over the made in England standing for 1932. It is of a nice size being 0.75 inches tall and 10.625 inches in diameter. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

Price is $499
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