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Gillyflower Patty Pan

This is a hard to find patty pan made by Worcester in the 18th century. Sort of like an early muffin tin. It is decorated in under glaze blue with a nice floral arrangement in the center ledning the design its name - gilly flower pattern. The rim has a couple more flowers to it as well as a bug / butterfly and a blue trim to the edge. A nice pattern and it looks great on a dish like this. A superb example of Worcester porcelain of the 18th century. And as a bonus the peice is in super condition. Some minor use marks to be expected on pieces this age but no chips, restoations, etc. As nice as they come! It is marked with the under glaze blue crescent mark underneath as shown. The dish is just over 1 inch tall and 4.875 inches in diameter. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

Price is $599
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