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Grainger Reticulated Jewelled Vase #2

This is a superb vase made by Grainger / Worcester around 1880. The vase has a nice shape to it with the entire main body being intricately reticulated. Faces are among the reticulated areas which is fun. A bit of gold trim to the top and along the base but I really like the three stylized dolphins highlighted with gilding used as feet that hold the main body together with the base.The best part however are the pink "jewels) along the top rim, the base edge and the bottom of the reticulation. They give the piece that extra pep to make it look super elegant and fun. The piece is in perfect condition which always helps :) It is 5.75 inches tall and the base is about 2.5 inches at the widest. The top is about 1.625 inches in diameter. It is marked underneath with the red numbers 1 over 894 as well as the impressed shield mark and their brown shield mark as shown.that one does not see too often. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

Price is $349
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