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Damaged Cos Lettuce Sauce Dish

This is a really nice sauce boat made by Worcester in the mid 18th century. It is modeled after a cos lettuce head with the leaves showing the individual veines that have a red line on them and the edge painted in brown, a looped handle at the end with some nice painted smaller leaves coming off it. The dish is hand painted very nicely with a large floral arrangement to either side as well as some scatted single flowers and leaves and the stem is painted in brown and yellow tones. A flower arrangement inside on the bottom is just the perfect touch! The sauceboat displays pretty nicely but at some point it got dropped and broke cleanly in half which has been reglued, the front of the foot is missing and there are two minor chips along the edge. It would be an easy repair if need be but it looks great as is and these types of pieces are a must have for the beginner to learn about these makers and their wares to avoid fakes later on. The piece is not marked underneath which is normal during this period! It is 4.875 inches tall, 8.5 inches long and 3.75 inches wide. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

Price is $149
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