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Saint Cloud Fork #2

This is a very rare fork with the handle made by St-Cloud or as a knowledgable collector suggested Bow in the 18th century. They look more Saint CLoud to me but what do I know :) Forks are much harder to find than even knives and those are not easy to find at all either! The handle is made of a creamy colored softpaste with a nice underglaze blue decoration typical for them. The metal part is steel and the collar is made of silver. The metal prong part was probably replaced around the late 19th century (though I am not 100% sure) which was a common practise since the original iron pieces got very rusty and fell apart. The piece is in perfect condition with some oxidation to the metal parts which is normal and a tiny bit of wear to the glaze also common since it is softpaste. Unmarked which is always the case. The fork is 7.875 inches long of which the visible part of the handle is about 2.875 inches. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

Price is $649
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