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Oude Loosdrecht Early Floral Plate

This is a great plate made by Oude Loosdrecht between 1771 and 1784 but most likely right in the beginning of this period. Oude Loosdrecht was founded by Johannes de Mol in 1771 with what was left of the Weesp factory and was closed in 1784 when he died. The plate is hand painted with a larger floral arrangement in the center as well as lots of small flowers scattered throughout. The rim has dentil gilding to it. The plate is in good condition with a bit of wear to the gilding and lots of firing issues. The one color didn't seem to have worked to well so it is very weak. There are some small flwoers in the central arrangement as well as one set of small flwoers on the rim with that issue. Next to those flowers on the rim is a circular firing issue and two alrge black firing spots are covered by flowers/leaves on the top side. The udnerside has lots of black firing spots as well as discoloration to the paste or glaze - original to the making not some sort of restoration issue! I am being rather picky here as it is a superb plate and great to look at on display. The piece is marked with the underglaze blue M.o.L mark - no other marks at all. The plate is 1 inch tall and 9.875 inches in diameter. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

Price is $499
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