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Parian Lady Bust

This is a gigantic parian porcelain bust of a lady with a bird on her shoulder made in France by Charenton around 1876. The bust is signed by the artist in the back which looks like CH Levy who was active there around that time so that fits. I do believe this bust is supposed to represent innocence since she is often modelled as a pretty lady with a bird on her shoulder. Whoever she might be this piece is superb and amazingly large for a porcelain piece! The bust is 19 inches tall, 13 inches wide and 8 inches deep or so. The detail is amazing and she extremely well painted for a large piece. The pupils even go into the eye just like old marble statues. And amazingly the whole piece is in great condition with a meaningless chip to the underside tail of the bird one needs to feel for to find. Usually large porcelain pieces have major firing issues like cracks but this piece only has a few minor firing cracks that don't take away from her at all! She is marked underneath with the fairy wand kind of mark used by Charenton around this time. The bust weights around 15 pounds or so so much larger and heavier than any other piece I own. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

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