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Putti & Cherub Figurine

This is a cute figure matching some of my other ones made by Frankenthal in 1784. Am pretty sure Melchior modeled this one as well. These figurines are really the perfect display pieces since it has something going on on all side instead of just facing one way. I am unsure what it is supposed to represent but there are two putti and one cherub on a rock base with some arrows being worked on and a small bowl as well as a basket. The figures are all naked with their intimate parts covered by different colored cloths. This figure is amazingly well modeled and painted in the typical Frankenthal fashion of the period. It is about 4.75 inches tall and the base is 5.25 inches wide and 4.5 inches deep. The figurine is marked with the CT under the crown in underglaze blue underneath with the date mark of 84 as well as some incised letters as shown. The figurine is in great condition but the arm of the standing putti has been reglued and the arrow in her hand is chipped a bit. The big toe of the sitting putti either has a teeny chip or a little paint rub to it but all in all the piece displays perfectly! Please email me for more information or other pictures.

Price is $2999
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