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Unknown Item

This is a mystery item made by Helena Wolfsohn in the Dresden area of Germany in the later 19th century. I have searched and asked around but could not figure out what this item was designed / used for nor could I find another. I am thinking some sort of medical devise but that is just a guess. Maybe someone out there has more of a clue and could send me a note - that would certainly be appreciated!! Either way the dish is nice modeled like a small eggcup sort of shape with a hole through the stem to apply the metal rod that unscrews into two pieces. An acorn design to the ends of the metal part. The base of the porcelain piece is very flat and wide, the stem thin and the cup round and not very deep. The entire piece is hand painted with a floral design all around as well as some gold trim. Definitely a conversation starter but without knowing what it is that conversation won't last long :) The dish is in great condition with a tiny fleabite to the underside edge of the top. Not visible when on display. It is just over 2 inches tall , has a diameter of 1.75 inches at the top and 2.75 inches at the base. The metal rod part is 4.375 inches long. It is marked underneath with the crown over the letter D as shown. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

Price is $179
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