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Superb Doccia Figurine

This is an amazing figurine made by Doccia in about 1755 in the famous masso bastardo. It is called Arianne and Bacchus. This is the nicest piece I have ever owned by them! Lots going on here with Ariadne in the back next to Bachus with her holding a wine glass in her right hand and him some grapes in his left hand. A putto in front of them seems to be begging while a faun child already snuck a drink from a glass of wine. An amazing leopard next to them and an urn likely filled with wine in between and a rock base. A cloth flowing behind her. The story between them goes as follows:

Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos, after helping Theseus to escape from the labyrinth, was carried by him to the island of Naxos and was left there asleep, while Theseus pursued his way home without her. Ariadne, on waking and finding herself deserted, abandoned herself to grief. But Venus took pity on her, and consoled her with the promise that she should have an immortal lover, instead of the mortal one she had lost. The island where Ariadne was left was the favorite island of Bacchus, the same that he wished the Tyrrhenian mariners to carry him to, when they so treacherously attempted to make prize of him. As Ariadne sat lamenting her fate, Bacchus found her, consoled her and made her his wife as Minerva had prophesied to Theseus. As a marriage present he gave her a golden crown, enriched with gems, and when she died, he took her crown and threw it up into the sky. As it mounted the gems grew brighter and were turned into stars, and preserving its form Ariadne's crown remains fixed in the heavens as a constellation, between the kneeling Hercules and the man who holds the serpent.

So a nice story behind a nice figurine :) The piece displays superbly but as one would expect there is damage. The putto seems to have been off the base with a break around his right knee and through his right hand and shoulder. The fawn child has had work done to his legs, arianne's head was off and bachus has had damage to the torso behind his head and down through his chest. It is hard to figure out the exact damages since the restoration is pretty well done and like I said the piece displays very nicely and is very very rare. Unmarked which is not unusual. The figure is quite heavy and 5.75 inches tall, 5.25 inches wide and 3.5 inches deep. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

Price is $3999
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