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Lady Figurine

This is a figurine of a lady made by Chelsea around 1765. She is superbly modeled and painted especially the yellow ground skirt with the fancy Asian style flowers on it (peonies?). Especially nice are also the flowers on the base including the typical sunflower looking ones. She is holding a violin in her right hand and the bow in her left hand. The figurine displays nicely but is in restored condition and I cannot tell exactly how bad she is due to the overpaint job so many restorers tend to use and I never understood. The head was off I am fairly sure and the flwoers and leaves on top of the head as well as the entire back of the head is severely overpainted and been worked on. He left arm was off and the left hand as well as the right hand are replacements. The violin bow is a replacement and the violin was overpainted and the end is missing again. The leaves and flwoers of the boccage are overpainted and at least some are new but I suspect a lot are original. Some of the leaves are overpainted on the base but I don't think many if any were restored. I think they just tried to match all the colors! He left leg by the knee has been worked on as did the fold under her right arm. Sadly I cannot tell the real damage but I suspect the overpainted much more than was necessary. She is a beauty and looks very ncie on display! Some crazing to the glaze as well here and there! The figurine is marked with the gold anchor in the back and a number 2 in the front. She is just over 12 inches tall, 5.5 inches wide and 4.75 inches deep. Please email me for more information or other pictures.

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